

  • 2024-05-03 05:47:59
  • 提问者: 负债人
匿名 2024-05-03 05:47:59
最佳会计/专业会计(best accounting/professional accountancy)
**理工大学(the hong kong polytechnic university)
最佳人类学/人文科学(best anthropology/humanities)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳建筑学(best architectural studies)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳生物学/应用生物(best biology/applied biology)
**科技大学(the hong kong university of science and technology)
最佳生物化学(best biochem**try)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳工商管理学(best business admin**tration)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳屋宇设备工程学(best building services engineering)
**理工大学(the hong kong polytechnic university)
最佳化学/应用化学/化学科技(best chem**try/applied chem**try/chemical technology)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳**语文及文学(文学学士)(best chinese language and literature(ba))
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳中文教育(best chinese language education)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳中**(best chinese medicine)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳土木工程学(best civil engineering)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳土木工程(环境工程)(best civil engineering(environmental engineering))
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳电脑学(计算机科学)(best computer science(studies))
**科技大学(the hong kong university of science and technology)
最佳电脑工程(计算机工程)(best computer engineering)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳计算数学及运筹学(best computational mathematics and operations research)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳建筑经济(工程)及管理学(best construction economics(engineering)and management)
**理工大学(the hong kong polytechnic university)
最佳经济/应用经济/商业经济(best economics/applied economics/
business economics)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳电子及电子工程(best electrical and electronic engineering)
**城市大学(city university of hong kong)
最佳英国语文(best **中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳环境科学(best environmental science)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳时装,纺织及制衣学(best fashion,textiles and clothing)
**理工大学(the hong kong polytechnic university)
最佳金融/计量财务学/金融服务(best finance/quantitative finance/finance service)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳食物营养学(best food and nutritional science)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳地理(best geography)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳**与公共行政学(best **&public admin**tration)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳历史(best h**tory)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳酒店管理(best hotel management)
**理工大学(the hong kong polytechnic university)
最佳人力资源管理(best human resources management)
**浸会大学(hong kong bapt**t university)
最佳工业管理及制造工程(best industrial and manufacturing engineering)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳讯息工程学(best **rmation engineering)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳资讯系统(bba)(best **rmation systems(bba))
**城市大学(city university of hong kong)
最佳讯息科技/系统(best **rmation technology/systems)
**城市大学(city university of hong kong)
最佳新闻及传理系(best journal**m&communication)
**浸会大学(hong kong bapt**t university)
最佳法律(best law)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳市场学(best marketing)
**理工大学(the hong kong polytechnic university)
最佳数学(best mathematics)
**科技大学(the hong kong university of science and technology)
最佳机械及自动工程(best mechanical engineering)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳**学(best medicine)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳护理学(best nursing)
**理工大学(the hong kong polytechnic university)
最佳物理/应用物理(best physics/eng.physics)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳体育运动科学(best physical education&sports science)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳哲学/宗教(best philosophy/religious studies)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳社会工作(best social work)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳社会学(best sociology)
**中文大学(the chinese university of hong kong)
最佳社会科学-普通学科(best social sciences-general)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳精算及统计学(best stat**tics/actuarial science)
**大学(the university of hong kong)
最佳测量学/屋宇测量及地理资讯学(best surveying/building surveying&geo-**rmatics)
**理工大学(the hong kong polytechnic university)
最佳翻译(best translation)
**城市大学(city university of hong kong)





