traditionally,u.s.lenders required prospective borrowers to prove that they earn enough money to repay the loan.
the borrower either pays back the money with interest or the lender"forecloses"-taking back the house.
university of maryland finance professor elinda k**s says that meant borrowers were unlikely to"default"or stop making payments.
that ** the people would keep up and make every sacrifice possible to stay in their homes.
but the r**k of default grew when low interest rates cut bank revenue and prompted lenders to scramble for new customers.
lenders boosted revenue by offering"subprime"loans that charged higher interest rates and required less verification of the borrower with ability to repay the loan,things like whether or not he or she has a job,but they pay the bills on time.
美国的金融危机源于抵押贷款所带来的问题,抵押贷款指,借贷者从银行贷款来购买房屋。借贷者必须还贷款,另外还要支付额外费用,即利息。利息是指在一段特定时间内因为享有使用资金的特权而向出借方支付的租金。按照惯例,美国出借方都要求贷款对象提供证明以表明他们有能力挣到足够的钱来还贷款。不是借款人连利息一起还贷款,就是出借方取消抵押品赎回权,即收回房屋。马里兰大学金融学教授elinda k**s指出,这也就意味着借款人不可能会拖欠贷款或是停止支付贷款。“这也就是说,人们会继续并可能作出牺牲继续呆在他们自己的家中。但利率降低,银行收益减少并且怂恿出借方争夺新顾客时,贷款拖欠的风险就加大了。出借方通过提供次级抵押贷款来刺激收益的增长,这种贷款所要支付的利息更高,但对借款人还贷能力的核查少了,比如,他或她是否有工作,他们是否会准时还贷。">

英语口语的presentation 金融危机的因果

  • 2024-05-08 19:33:44
  • 提问者: 负债人
匿名 2024-05-08 19:33:44
i think we can sum up the cause of our current economic cr**** in one word—greed.over the years,mortgage lenders were happy to lend money to people who couldn’t afford their mortgages.but they did it anyway because there was nothing to lose.these lenders were able to charge higher interest rates and make money on sub-prime loans.if the borrowers default,they simply seized the house and put it back on the market.on top of that,they were able to pass the r**k off to mortgage insurer or package these mortgages as mortgage-backed securities.easy money!and what went wrong with our financial system?the whole thing was one big scheme.everything was great when houses were selling like hot cakes and their values go up every month.lenders made it easier to borrow money,and the higher demand drove up house values.higher house values means that lenders could lend out even bigger mortgages,and it also g**e lenders some protection against foreclosures.all of th** translates into money for the lenders,insurers,and investors.unfortunately,many borrowers got slammed when their adjustable mortgage finally adjusted.when too many of them couldn’t afford to make their payments,it causes these lenders to suffer from liquidity **sue and to sit on foreclosures than they could securities became r**ky and worth less causing investment firms like lehman brothers to suffer.moreover,insurers like aig who insured these bad mortgages also got in trouble.
the scheme worked well,but it reverses course and ** now coming back to hurt everyone with a vengeance.
the financial cr**** grows out of problems with mortgages,which are loans from a bank that helps a borrower to buy a home.
the borrower must repay the loan,as well as additional charges called"interest."interest ** rent paid to the lender for the privilege of using the money for a specific period of time.
traditionally,u.s.lenders required prospective borrowers to prove that they earn enough money to repay the loan.
the borrower either pays back the money with interest or the lender"forecloses"-taking back the house.
university of maryland finance professor elinda k**s says that meant borrowers were unlikely to"default"or stop making payments.
that ** the people would keep up and make every sacrifice possible to stay in their homes.
but the r**k of default grew when low interest rates cut bank revenue and prompted lenders to scramble for new customers.
lenders boosted revenue by offering"subprime"loans that charged higher interest rates and required less verification of the borrower with ability to repay the loan,things like whether or not he or she has a job,but they pay the bills on time.
美国的金融危机源于抵押贷款所带来的问题,抵押贷款指,借贷者从银行贷款来购买房屋。借贷者必须还贷款,另外还要支付额外费用,即利息。利息是指在一段特定时间内因为享有使用资金的特权而向出借方支付的租金。按照惯例,美国出借方都要求贷款对象提供证明以表明他们有能力挣到足够的钱来还贷款。不是借款人连利息一起还贷款,就是出借方取消抵押品赎回权,即收回房屋。马里兰大学金融学教授elinda k**s指出,这也就意味着借款人不可能会拖欠贷款或是停止支付贷款。“这也就是说,人们会继续并可能作出牺牲继续呆在他们自己的家中。但利率降低,银行收益减少并且怂恿出借方争夺新顾客时,贷款拖欠的风险就加大了。出借方通过提供次级抵押贷款来刺激收益的增长,这种贷款所要支付的利息更高,但对借款人还贷能力的核查少了,比如,他或她是否有工作,他们是否会准时还贷。





