
贵阳小希艺考培训(禾田夕艺术学校 2024-05-25 21:27:03
"never, never, never, never give up." 永远,永永远,永远都不要放弃。 "the whole h**tory of the world ** summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they w**h to be just, they are no longer strong." 世界可以总结为:当一个**强大候并不总是公正的。而当它试图去变得公正时,它就不再强大。 "courage ** going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." 勇气就是不断失败,而不丧失热情。 "th** ** not the end. it ** not even the beginning of the end. but it **, perhaps, the end of the beginning." 这不是结束。这甚至不是结束的开始。但,这可能是开始的结束。 "i like a man who grins when he fights." 我喜欢微笑着战斗的人。 "true genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting **rmation." 真正的才华体现在对未知、危险和矛盾的信息的判断之中。 "courage ** what it takes to stand up and speak; courage ** also what it takes to sit down and l**ten." 站起来说话需要勇气。坐下倾听同样需要。 "study h**tory, study h**tory. in h**tory lies all the secrets of statecraft." 学习历史,学习历史。历史中有一切治国之道。 "success ** going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." 成功就是不断失败,而不丧失热情。 "we shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival." 我们应从遭受苦难的心中获得呼吸、生存的方法。 "attitude ** a little thing that makes a big difference." 态度是小事,但能造成很大区别。 "we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." 我们靠获得的东西生存。但我们靠给予的东西生活。 "a pessim**t sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optim**t sees the opportunity in every difficulty." 悲观主义者从每个机遇中看到困难,乐观主义者从每个困难中看到机遇。 "nothing ** more costly, nothing ** more sterile, than vengeance" 没有比复仇更昂贵、更没用的事情了。 "if you mean to profit, learn to please." 如果你想挣钱,学会高兴。 "it ** no use saying, 'we are doing our best.' you h**e got to succeed in doing what ** necessary." 说“我们尽力了”,没有用。你要在必须做的事情上成功。 "personally, i'm always ready to learn, although i do not always like being taught." 就我个人而言,我总是做好学习的准备,虽然我不总是喜欢被人教育。 "i never worry about action, but only about inaction" 我从不担心行动。而只担心没有任何行动。 "the price of greatness ** responsibility." 伟大的代价是责任。 "i h**e nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat." 我能奉献的,只有鲜血、苦干、眼泪和汗水。 "all the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope" 伟大的事情都很简单。而且大多数都可以被凝结成一个简单的单词:自由;公正;荣誉;责任;仁慈;希望。 "solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong." 孤独的树如果成长,就会成长得非常茁壮。 "no crime ** so great as daring to excel." 彰显自己是最大的罪恶。 "difficulties mastered are opportunities won" 克服困难就是赢得机遇。 "the first quality that ** needed ** audacity." 最需要的品质就是无畏。 "there ** nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result." 没有比被射击而未被击中更令人兴奋的事情了。 "there ** nothing wrong with change, if it ** in the right direction" 改变没有错,如果方向正确的话。 "it ** always w**e to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see." 向前看总是明智的。但试图高瞻远瞩很是困难。 "when the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber." 当老鹰沉默时,鹦鹉就开始叽叽喳喳了。 "kites r**e highest against the wind, not with it." 风筝顶着风高飞,而不是顺着风。 "in war, you can only be killed once, but in politics, many times." 在战争中,你只会被干掉一次。而在**中,可以很多次。 "a love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril" 热爱传统从不会使一个**变弱,甚至在生死存亡的关键时刻,他会使**更强大。 "politics ** almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. in war you can only be killed once, but in politics many times." **像战争一样刺激,一样危险。在战争中,你只会被干掉一次。而在**中,可以很多次。 "h**tory ** written by the victors." 历史是由胜利者书写的。 "we contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity ** like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle" 我们说一个企图靠收税变富饶的**就像一个坐在吊桶里,想拉绳让自己升上去的人一样。 "a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." 真理还没机会穿上裤子时谎言已经满街跑了。 "in time of war, when truth ** so precious, it must be attended by a bodyguard of lies" 在战争时期,真实是如此可贵,以至于它必须靠一些谎言保卫着。 "the shadow of victory ** d****" 胜利总伴随着打消幻想。 "success ** not final, failure ** not fatal: it ** the courage to continue that counts." 胜利不是结束,失败不是死亡。真正重要的是敢于继续的勇气。 "no comment" ** a splendid expression. i am using it again and again." (对此事)不发表评论/无法可说是个伟大的说法,我总使用它。 "when you h**e to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite." 当你必须杀一个人时,对他客气点不会花费什么。 “a man ** about as big as the things that make him angry" 从让一个人生气的事情大小就能看出一个人的价值。 "an appeaser ** one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last" 绥靖主义者是在喂鳄鱼----可预计最后鳄鱼也把他给吃了。 "i like pigs. dogs look up to us. cats look down on us. pigs treat us as equals." 我喜欢猪。狗总是仰视我们,而猫瞧不起我们。只有猪对我们平等对待。 "it ** certainly more agreeable to h**e power to give than to receive" 有能力给予当然比有能力接受来得更让人愉快。 "healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can h**e" 健康的国民是一个**能拥有的最大财富。 "we shall show mercy, but we shall not ask for it" 我们会展示出我们的仁慈。但我们不会向别人要求仁慈。 "we h**e always found the ir**h a bit odd. they refuse to be engl**h." 我们总觉得爱尔兰人很奇怪,他们拒绝成为英国人! "the united states ** like giant boiler. once the fire ** lighted under it, there ** no limit to the power it can generate." 美国像是一个巨大的锅炉。只要下面点着火,它会产生无限的能量。 20210311

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