adam levine的详细资料

米小米路由器 2024-05-25 04:55:36
adam noah levine (born march 18, 1979) ** the lead singer and the guitar**t for the rock group, 5.levine was born in los angeles, california to patsy noah and fred levine; he ** jew**h.[2] levine has one brother, michael, a steps**ter, julia, and two half siblings, sam and liza, from h** father's remarriage to l**a. l**a and fred levine own two fashion stores geared toward men. because of th**, levine claims he's always been ahead of the fashion curve. in 2005, he and ryan seacrest of american idol attended the inauguration of m. fredric man, h** parents' second store, in studio city.levine attended the private brentwood school, where he met the original members of the band kara's flowers, jesse carmichael, mickey madden and ryan dusick. on h** first day at brentwood school, levine met the third member of 5, mickey madden. levine ** noted as describing mickey as a "musical encyclopedia" and it ** thought that levine's influence played a major role in madden acquiring h** first bass guitar soon after.failed bandslevine first became friends with jesse carmichael, who played clarinet in reg** high school orchestra, while playing together at the french woods festival of the performing arts. as freshmen in high school, the two formed the bond that would make them best friends to th** day. levine, madden and carmichael played their first show together as edible nuns at their high dance, playing only cover versions of nineties f**orites such as pearl jam and alice in the trio progressed to high school, the drummer left the band. he was replaced by amy wood, a friend of one of the current members. she would soon le**e the band and again the group was one drummer short, le**ing a window of opportunity open for adam. he would reconnect with ryan dusick, who completed the band on drums.kara's flowersin 1997, the band released an album titled the fourth world. the album never had much success, and its only single "soap d**co" failed. d**appointed with the results of their album, the band went on hiatus and went their separate ways.levine and bandmate carmichael left california to study at five towns college, a small liberal arts school in dix hills, long **land, new york. th** was reportedly the first time the two los angeles natives were exposed to a completely different music scene, a cultural awakening for the two young men. on mtv news in 2002, levine said, "that's when i started waking up to the whole hip hop, thing. we had friends named chaos and **. it was not brentwood high".after dropping out of five towns college, adam and jesse reunited with mickey and ryan, but added former square guitar**t, james valentine in 1999. renaming the band 5, adam and h** friends began to compile all of their newfound musical influences into their music. levine's expressive voice helped the band to achieve much success in the record charts. their debut album, songs about jane, ** about levine's ex-girlfriend, a girl who, as he says, has inspired him over the years, and most of the lyrics of the songs are inspired by their stormy relationship. currently, levine ** promoting the new maroon 5 album, it won't be soon before long, which was released on may 22, 2007.other wo**n 2005, levine featured on the ying yang twins song "live again" and later appeared on kanye west's late reg**tration album, on the third single, "heard 'em say". he ** also featured in the song "wild horses" on alicia keys latest album alicia keys: mtv unplugged.on telev**ion, he was featured as a musical guest on beverly hills, 90210, along with the rest of kara's flowers and was a guest star on evening shade. he has performed on the telev**ion show saturday night live twice, with maroon 5, and has given a tour of h** house on mtv cribs, which he shared with bandmate, james valentine. in 2005, maroon 5 received a grammy award for best new art** 2006, he also co-wrote the track "say it again" on natasha bedingfield's new album n.b.. he also performed the background vocals on th** song.personal lifelevine's major influences include the beatles and the police. h** ex-girlfriend, model kelly mckee, was featured in maroon 5's th** love video. he has been friends with jake gyllenhaal since he was in kindergarten. he resides in the hollywood hills with close friend gene hong. 20210311

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