
我是Zizi呀 2024-06-14 19:24:48
lasting more than one years, the american housing market cr**** gradually extended to the whole financial system to be a financial cr**** all over the world, in which progress every conuntry ** included. being customed by market economy, most western countries are not convenient to rely on the ** input to survive th** cr****, but they h**e no other alternatives. basicly, there are at least two things for **s to do in th** cr****. first, enough fund should be prepared to ganrantee the stablity of the whole financial system. maintaining the steady of the financial system ** becoming one of the most important things in today's economic system because a healthy fiancial system ** the basic of healthy financing and investment. it ** difficult for the growth of the substantial economy with the lack of the financing support. second, there must be some changes in the whole financial system which should be organ**ed by **s. if the traditional investment method ** proved to be inefficient in current economic situation, the old financial system would require some improvement. for example, when the investment banks bankrupted in the financial cr****, the american ** g**e th** organ**ation up soon to protect the investors as well as other financial institutions. moreover, many other measures thould be taken by **s including maintaining the stability for the commercial market and the normal life of residents referring to low unemployment. earthquake kitagawa county for the 100-day mourning kaijin today ** the wenchuan earthquake in 100 days closure of beichuan county from 17 until today, opening only for family members hold a memorial ceremony for the masses today ** the wenchuan earthquake in 100 days. for the convenience of their loved ones to hold a memorial ceremony, closed kitagawa from the county seat 17 until today only open for ordinary people. yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed to kitagawa, all the way to a pedestrian friendly bags, each faces a he**y, even when an acquaintance, and nodded with each other, or a "you come to the" greetings, there ** no need to ask each other what to do, because we h**e put in the hands of the same things: xiangla ** money. everyone carefully **oiding mention of dead loved ones. prior to th**, kitagawa has been the county seat around the barbed wire fence. in the county seat 23 kilometers away from the door renjiaping usually forbidden to enter. kitagawa m**s their loved ones had to climb across the king of jiashan, a d**tance of the town burning ** money. 虽然没翻译,不过没什么生词,应该看得懂吧 20210311

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    • 提问者: 未知
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    • 提问者: 未知
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