买kindle **white3 还是 kindle voyage好

CGTN 2024-05-10 10:55:44
在新一代的**white中,亚马逊已经从三方面着手解决我遇到的问题。分别是:更快的处理器,比上一代快25%;升级版的触控技术,传感器密度提升19%,更精确地响应手指的滑动; 全新的翻页操作——在不离开当前页的情况下预览其他页面。全新升级的内置阅读灯,解决不平均,有阴影问题。下面结合新kindle **white的主要功能特性(英文摘自官网),我们一项一项来比较1、 whiter screen, darker textimproved—enjoy even better contrast on the latest kindle **white. whites are whiter and blacks are blacker, creating sharp, clear text. the high-resolution d**play allows for elegant typeface options including baskerville and palatino, and all fonts on kindle **white h**e been hand-tuned at the pixel level for maximum readability and comfort.白纸黑字对屏幕的改进:屏幕像素数增加62%;对比度增加25%。这样让白的更白,黑的更加黑:让字体更加清晰明了。手动对对字体进行了像素级别的调整,让阅读更加舒服2、fast, easy page turnsimproved—the new kindle **white's processor ** 25% faster. books open and pages turn faster for a seamless experience. kindle **white also uses the latest in capacitive touch technology, more accurately responding to the smallest touches.更快,更简便的翻页改进:新版的cpu处理器到了1g,处理器提升了 25%,屏幕传感器提升19%。阅读时翻页可以感觉明显更加快了,而且对触屏更敏感。3、flip through without losing your placenew—with kindle **white’s new page flip feature, you can skim page-by-page, scan by chapter, or skip to the end for a sneak peek without losing your place.随便翻页,翻章节,能迅速切回到原来阅读的地方。新增:新加“page flip”功能,你可以随便翻页,翻到新章节,甚至翻到最后页。你都可以立刻回到原来阅读的地方。all-new kindle **white page flipkindle page flip4、take and share notesadd margin notes that you can edit, delete, or even export from kindle **white to your computer. share highlighted sections and meaningful quotes on ** and twitter, and see passages frequently highlighted by other kindle readers.笔记功能,笔记分享。给书本标注添加,修改,删除,导出到电脑上。可以选择精彩章节,加标注,然后分享到微博或者其他kindle读者。5、look it up instantlyimproved—kindle **white's smart lookup feature integrates a full dictionary with x-ray and ** so you can access definitions, characters, settings, and more without le**ing your page or losing your place.快速智能搜索改进:智能搜索功能集成了完整的字典,**,还有x光功能:看书时查资料更快更方便了,查定义、特点、背景啥的,这有有点意思,而且不用离开当前阅读页面。all-new kindle **white smart lookupkindle smart lookup6、adjust your text sizedesign your own perfect reading experience by increasing the text size to suit you. choose from eight text sizes to prevent tired eyes and keep you reading longer.调整字体大小选择字体大小,有八个大小的字体可供选择,这个旧版就有了吧!all-new kindle **white adjustable textkindle adjustable text7、enhance your vocabularynew—words looked up in the dictionary are automatically added to vocabulary builder to expand your knowledge and re**rce retention. swipe through your vocabulary words, quiz yourself with flashcards, and instantly see those words in context.学英语利器:自动加入生词表新增:对查过的单词,会自动加入到生词表,并且很方便查询生词表。all-new kindle **white vocabulary builde**ndle vocabulary builder8、in-line footnotesnew—with a single tap, read the complete text of each footnote without changing your page or losing your place in the book.行间的附注新增:行间的加注,轻轻一点就可以查看完整的标注,并且是不需要翻页的哦。我觉得这个不错,因为查看有些书的批注需要来回翻页,确实很麻烦。有点意思。all-new kindle **white in-line footnoteskindle in-line footnotes9、share with friends on goodreadscoming soon—find your next f**orite book. now the world's largest e-reading community can connect with the world's largest community of book lovers. join over 20 million other readers and see what your friends are reading, share highlights, and rate the books you read with goodreads on kindle.世界上最大的阅读社区 goodreads 加到kindle新增:世界上最大的阅读社区,加到kindle了,这样可以与大家一起分享读书的体验了,不过,这个似乎不能让咱们专注阅读了吧,还有大**,你懂得。10、kindle freetimecoming soon—encourage kids to read even more with freetime for kindle **white. freetime lets you create personalized profiles for kids, and give them access to titles from your collection of books. kids are rewarded with achievement badges that keep track of their personal reading accompl**hments. a progress report keeps parents updated on total time spent reading, number of words looked up, badges earned, and books readkindle freetime鼓励小孩子多读书鼓励小孩子多读书,freetime允许你为自己的孩子加上个性化设置,孩子读书时会得到相应的奖励,加了些勋章,父母可以看孩子读了多少书,看书时间,多少单词。11、go deeper with x-rayexclusive on kindle, explore the "bones of the book". see all the passages across a book that mention relevant ideas, fictional characters, h**torical figures, places or topics of interest. simply press and hold the name to zoom in on a character's biox光功能kindle独有的x光功能,能够直接查看当前人物在全书的相关内容。all-new kindle **white x-raykindle x-ray12、carry your entire library新增:kindle **white holds up to 1,100 books, so you'll never h**e to le**e your f**orite titles behind. with kindle **white, you can keep your entire library at hand wherever you go.携带更多图书kindle **white可以装上1100多部书,还有加上云存储。让你随时随地都可以看你喜欢的书。13、organize your bookscoming soon—as your collection grows, use cloud collections to arrange titles in custom categories and see your collections on your other kindle devices and reading apps.书本整理新增:随着看书多了,书本整理就变成必要了。你可以给你的爱书分门别类14、squeeze in that last chaptersee at a glance how long it will take to fin**h a chapter or book. time to read ** personalized based on your reading speed and constantly updated as your speed and habits change. with time to read, it's never been easier to decide when to start a new chapter or fin**h the chapter you're reading.预估阅读时间根据你读书速度,读书习惯,来估算看看你需要多长时间可以读完一章,多长时间可以读完一本书,就是页面左、右下角那个统计功能啦。all-new kindle **white time to readkindle time to read15、pick up where you left offwh**persync technology synchronizes your last page location, bookmarks, and annotations across all your devices so you can pick up exactly where you left off reading.多设备同步功能多设备同步功能,让你能够在kindle,电脑,平板,手机上能够同步看书进度,让你在各设备中快速去到你上次看到的地方,还有书签。16、never be without a bookshop amazon's expansive selection, choose a title, and begin reading your next book in seconds. our fast wireless delivers books in under 60 seconds—no computer required.随时购买书籍随时购买书籍,下载很快哦,国内完蛋,除非你在有wifi的地方。没办法,国情问题。17、translate passages instantlytap any word or highlight a section to instantly translate into other languages, including span**h, japanese, and more. translations by bing translator.立即翻译功能有翻译功能,是bing翻译的,可以翻译西班牙文,日文和其他,目前还没说中文。相信当new kindle **white在**上市时,会有这一项吧!!18、kindle matchbookcoming soon—for thousands of qualifying books, your past, present, and future print-edition purchases will soon allow you to buy the kindle edition for $2.99, $1.99, $0.99, or free.购买实体书后,电子书有超高折扣如果你购买了实体书,那kindle版本的电子书只需要最低$0.99(9毛9啊,我没看到过天朝有这么便宜的书)。最后总结结论:“硬件升级”这个是所有电子产品更新换代的必然结果,但功能上最受欢迎的应该是那个查资料不用新开一页和单词卡片功能了吧。给经常查资料和学英语的同学带来大大的方便。悲催点:all-new **white 在日本目前预定价格:9980日元,折合人民币600多,相信大家都在等待日版上市吧!!! 但日版all-new **white在官网上明确说明不支持中文,至于是不支持中文菜单还是压根没有中文字库(看不了中文书)没有明确说明,因为目前日版还没出货,所以也无法验证。但如果真的是不幸言中,不能看中文书的话,那只能寄希望给”多看“系统了。。。看来亚马逊真的是怕了**强大的海淘,直购,深深伤害了亚马逊**的销量!!!基于电子产品买新不买旧的习惯(除非你不喜欢触屏,那目前可以选择 物理键盘的kindle5),如果目前你想入手一部kindle的话,那新版肯定是你不二选择,因为按目前官网价格,all-new **white价格跟旧版是一样的:广告版:$119,非广告版:$139,只是国内还没上市。 当然如果你已经有一台**white了,那除非你是超级kindle控或者集邮控,新版也绝对不会让你失望。否则的话毕竟新版只是改进版,无论是软件还是硬件上并没有质的飞跃,如果没有迫切需要那还是期待下一代产品吧!? 更快的处理器,比上一代快25%;升级版的触控技术,传感器密度提升19%,更精确地响应手指的滑动。? 全新的翻页操作:在不离开当前页的情况下预览其他页面、章节,查字典,查看wiki,全书x-ray功能,迅速继续原来的阅读。? 升级至第二代内置阅读灯。第二代阅读灯有明显的质量提升:在旧版**white中,有用户抱怨在屏幕底部的一排led灯会产生轻微的阴影,但在新版中完全看不到这种情况,而且亮度更加明亮并且均匀,看着更加舒服 20210311

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