
焦大军 2024-05-25 11:56:48
申请书编号  application no:……………………………  接收人  receiving person:………………………  日期  date:…………………………………………………  经营行业  field of operation:……………………  在**设立外资企业申请表  application form for the establ**hment of a  foreign capital enterpr**e in china  一、申请设立外资企业的公司(下称公司)的情况  **rmation concerning the company applying for the establ**hment of a foreign capital enterpr**e (hereinafter the “company”):  1、公司名称  name of the company:  2、法定地址:  legal address:  3、公司成立的**或区域  country or jur**diction of incorporation:  4、公司成立日期  date of incorporation:  5、法定代表姓名  name of the legal representative:  国籍  nationality:  6、经营范围  business scope:  7、生产规模  scale of production:  8、资产总额  total assets:  9、注册资本  reg**tered capital: 10、银行  bank:  11、已在投资的**  countries where investment has been made:  12、请附公司近三年资产负债表。如公司经营期未满三年,请附母公司情况。  attach balance sheets for the past 3 years. if the company has less than 3 years of operations, attach **rmation for parent company.  13、公司在华联系人姓名  name of the contact person for the company in china:  地址  address:  电话  telephone number:  二、**设立的外资企业  the foreign capital enterpr**e to be establ**hed in china  1、外资企业名称  name of the foreign capital enterpr**e:  2、地址  address:  3、投资总额  total amount of investment:  4、注册资本  amount of reg**tered capital:  5、外资企业成立时应为有限责任公司。责任应限为  (注册资本总额)  the foreign capital enterpr**e shall be a limited liability company. liability shall be limited to  (amount of reg**tered capital)  6、投资的构成  form of investment:  a、外汇  foreign currency:  b、设备  equipment:  c、技术  technology:  d、其它  other:  7、需要的土地面积和建筑面积  land surface area and building surface area needed:  a、办公室  office:  b、生产厂房  manufacturing:  c、其它建筑  other buildings:  8、项目情况  project conditions:  a、经营范围  scope:  b、生产规模  production scale:  c、原材料及来源  raw materials and their sources:  d、产品用途  product uses:  f、销售市场  market for sales:  g、出口比例  export ratio:  h、外汇收支平衡计划(请附在后面)  plan for the balancing of foreign exchange  expenditures and receipts (please attach)  9、外资企业管理  management of the foreign capital enterpr**e  a、董事会组成  composition of the board of directors:  b、管理机构和高级职员  management offices and senior staff:  c、财务制度  system of financial affairs and accounting:  d、职工总数  total staff and workers:  外籍职工  foreign staff and workers:  管理人员  management personnel:  技术人员  technical personnel:  工人  workers:  10、主管单位  department in charge:  三、项目建设和执行  construction and implementation of the project  1、该项目内将使用的技术  technology to be used in carrying out the project:  2、该项目内将使用的主要机器设备  machinery and equipment to be used for the project:  3、项目所需水、电、气、燃料等用量  the volume of water, electricity, gas, fuel, etc. which will be needed by the project:  4、三废处理指标、安全指标  the standard of the treatment of “three wastes” and the security standard:  5、计划建设进度  schedule of planned construction:  第一年  year 1:  第二年  year 2  6、投产日期  starting date for production:  7、投产后三年计划产量  quantity of products planned in the first three years of production:  a、第一年  year 1:  b、第二年  year 2:  c、第三年  year 3:  8、在**购买的主要原材料  principal raw materials to be purchased in china:  a、第一年  year 1:  b、第二年  year 2:  c、第三年  year 3:  9、进口原材料  raw materials to be imported:  a、第一年  year 1:  b、第二年  year 2:  c、第三年  year 3:  10、**职工培训计划  plan for the training of chinese staff and workers:  四、外资企业经营期限  term of operation of the foreign capital enterpr**e:  五、公司同意以下建立外资企业的条款  the company hereby agrees to the following conditions for the establ**hment of the foreign capital enterpr**e:  1、外资企业的一切活动都必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有关规定并受其保护。  all activities of the foreign capital enterpr**e shall comply with and be protected by the laws, degrees, and relevant regulations of the people’s republic of china.  2、外资企业 应按照中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有关规定交纳有关税款。  the foreign capital enterpr**e shall pay the relevant taxes in accordance with the laws, decrees and relevant regulations of the people’s republic of china.  公司  company:  签字:  by: 20210311

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