
如葉 2024-06-05 22:24:03
shaanxi province and the status of agriculture-related insurance analys** th** ** describes the shaanxi provincial agriculture-related insurance h**tory, current situation and ex**ting problems which should be followed and how to develop agriculture-related insurance, the significance of the development of agriculture-related insurance profile, focusing on the ex**tence of the shaanxi provincial agriculture-related insurance problems include: lintong d**trict of xi'an cow breeding insurance pilot sites of the specific problems, the system surveys, as well as in hanzhong city, shaanxi province in recent years the development of agriculture-related insurance analys** and investigation, summed up the shaanxi provincial agriculture-related insurance problems facing the present situation and how next to solve these problems and how to develop agriculture-related insurance in shaanxi province. in the development of our province's agriculture-related insurance at the same time, there remain many problems. in fact, agricultural insurance in the development of our province, has experienced a long and difficult process. for a long time, the shaanxi provincial agricultural insurance business in the most serious losses, especially in recent years the insurance company reorganized as joint-stock companies, greatly reducing the agricultural insurance business, and reduce the burden on peasants in the background, some counties and cities abol**hed the agricultural insurance **al organizations, resulting in shaanxi province scale agricultural insurance business shrink year by year. the current lag behind the development of agriculture-related insurance, the first township almost no insurance agents, farmers to participate in the insurance, to the counties (cities, d**tricts) ** not easy; two agriculture-related insurance ** less, can not meet the needs of rural industrial structure adjustment. 20210311

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