
?小曟曟? 2024-06-04 03:14:56
since the 1990s, with the financial field ** becoming increasingly fierce, commercial banks on a global scale ** facing an unprecedented pressure. how to revitalize the banking sector, has become a global **sue. china's accession to the wto, as china's economy and international economic convergence and the gradual integration of china's financial industry will be further intensified competition, the state-owned commercial banks will be faced with severe challenges and rare opportunities. china's commercial banks has gradually formed the he**y credit indicator light internal management, increase the number of light-quality growth, cost concept indifferent to the neglect of the cost - effectiveness of the proper ratio of defects such as the negative impact ** increasingly apparent out and restrict bank competition the improvement of the business and the rapid and healthy development. international banking and financial capital of access, to create a strong market liquidity, capital needs and the market price will be decided, cost, profit, competition will become china's commercial banks of the three major management **sues. how china's commercial banks in the fierce competition of making a profit ** related to the future survival and development. the cost of profits ** the cornerstone of how accounting, control costs and the cost of management of china's commercial banks has become the core of management. at present, in the face of international competition and peer market requirements, how to own the operating mechan**m and management system reform, establ**h a rational, effective and comprehensive cost management system, implementation of a comprehensive cost management, lower operating costs, enhance overall management level, and build industry competitive advantages and become a bank's business management at th** stage the core content. 20210311

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    welcome to v**it changchun zz company!不用说xx公司董事长yy 之类的,这就是最标准的了,外国人没有那么多把头衔加上的繁冗之词。
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