**erage speed怎么用英语解释

猴赛雷 2024-05-18 03:40:56
**erage speed英 [ˈævəridʒ spi:d] 美 [ˈævərɪdʒ spid] 词典平均速率造句有:1the train's **erage speed was no better than that of our bicycles. 火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。2the **erage speed of the winds remained constant. 平均风速保持稳定。3the system provides further details on fuel consumption, **erage speed, externaltemperature and other data. 系统还提供有关燃油消耗量、平均速度、外部温度和其他数据的更详细信息。4the layout method of detectors, the traffic volume, **erage speed and vehicle type**rmation are determined. 确定了交叉口车辆**布设方法,检测所需的流量、平均车速、车型信5**erage speed on rails, 48 kilometers per hour. 铁轨上的平均速度是每小时48公里。www.kekenet.com6you can also monitor the progress of transactions being recovered and estimate the**erage speed of transaction recovery. 还可以监视被恢复的事务的进度,并估计事务恢复的平均速度。www.ibm.com7h** **erage speed ** high. 他开车的平均速度很高。provided by jukuu8a new definition of speed d**persion asd ( **erage speed difference) ** proposedbased on car-following theory. 基于车辆跟驰理论提出了能够反映交通流动态特性的车速离散度平均速差(asd)的定义。www.dictall.com9and i will show you now what ** the **erage speed between time zero and four.现在我要给你们看的是,0到4秒间的,平均速率。open.163.com10i h**e always wondered what the **erage speed or the **erage velocity ** of abullet. 我一直想知道**到底有多快,它的平均速率或者说平均速度是多少?open.163.com11the tradeoffs between **erage speed of answer, service level, occupancy, telecomrequirements and staff requirements. 平均应答时长、服务水平、占用率、中继线需求和员工需求之间的平衡;provided by jukuu12the **erage speed of the vehicles correlates closely with the severity of the accidentcaused. 平均车速与所引起事故的严重程度密切相关。www.dictall.com13we will be flying at an altitude of________ meters and the **erage speed **_______kilometers per hour. 飞行高度米,飞行速度平均每小时公里。www.ebigear.com14which bar chart represents the **erage speed of the vehicles? 哪个条形统计图代表这些交通工具的速度?upsr.fieldcon.org15its sponsorship incorporates the rights to a new tracking system developed by uefato monitor the performance of players during matches, such as d**tances run and**erage speed. 它的赞助包括一种新式追踪系统的使用权,欧足联开发了这种系统,用以监控球员在比赛中的表现,比如跑动距离和平均速度。www.ftchinese.com16compared with the time before the speed was ra**ed in 1997, the **erage speed ofpassenger trains increased by 25 percent. 列车速度普遍提高,与1997年提速前相比,铁路客车平均旅行速度提高了25%。www.dictall.com17it ** when an object ** heated that the **erage speed of molecules ** increased.正当物体受热之际,分子的平均速度才会增大。www.dictall.com18others are more subtle; like the **erage speed cameras. 其他的更加微妙,像平均速度相机。www.kekenet.com19at what **erage speed in kilometers per hour would th** car need to cover the samed**tance in minutes? 在几分钟内这辆车行驶同样距离需要的平均时速是多少?www.pai-hang-bang.com20if so, what ** the **erage speed limit? 如果有,平均速度限制是多少?www.dictall.com21hence in the design of highways and railroads, curves are banked for the **eragespeed of the traffic over them. 因此,在公路和铁路的设计中,弯曲部分的倾斜角按行车的平均速率来确定。www.dictall.com22furthermore, the effect of the turn probability of car before accident to **erage speed** estimated. 事故点数量一定时,路网交通流密度变化对交通流平均速度的影响;lib.cqvip.com23a brt system has the same properties as a rail-bound system when it comes topassenger capacity and **erage speed. 快速公交系统的载客量和平均时速指标不逊于轨道交通系统。www.volvo.com24after h** attempt, campbell was d**appointed to learn that h** **erage speed hadbeen 299 miles per hour. 经过一番努力后,坎贝尔了解到他的平均时速是299英里,大感失望。www.dictall.com25exploring the relation between **erage speed and instantaneous speed using"llongwill~ ( tm)" 利用朗威llongwill~(tm)探究瞬时速度和平均速度的关系www.dictall.com26and in order to find the **erage speed you would now h**e to know exactly what th**d**tance ** add up th** d**tance add up th** d**tance and th** d**tance. 要求平均速率,就必须得准确知道,这一段的移动距离,加上这一段的距离,加上这个距离,还有这个距离。open.163.com27the calculation models are set up on **erage speed and max speed in back fieldand jet effect d**tance, new theoretical reference ** provided for effective ventilationin heading fa. 给出了回流区平均速度、最大回流速度及射流作用距离的计算模型,为掘进工作面合理有效通风提供了新的理论依据。www.dictall.com28a total of 155 pairs of trains will run on the line every day at an **erage speed of 300km per hour. 每天总共会有155组列车以平均300公里/小时的速度行驶在这条铁路上。www.hjengl**h.com29an increase in **erage speed ** directly related both to the likelihood of a crashoccurring and to the severity of the consequences of the crash. 平均速度的上升与发生碰撞事故的可能性以及碰撞后果的严重性直接相关。www.who.int30but the factors that affect the **erage speed, in addition to the reasons of theorganization of transportation, the most of these are power. 因为汽车行驶的平均速度越高,汽车的运输生产越高,而影响平均速度的因素,除运输组织原因外,主要就是汽车的动力性。www.lw208.com 20210311

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