
小师妹 2024-04-29 10:45:07
eua dec08 closes on a transaction sunr**e small scale, manages the strength commodity to walk, but ** insufficient. until 17:30, gathers receives in 26.10 yuan, on a trading day 0.10 yuan. makes the mainstream transaction variety, eua dec08 ** in harmony with 25.95 yuan, 26 yuan exhibitions shake early. because the german strength price has the return to warmer weather, the uniting solstice ** forenoon highest 26.25 yuan. however, afternoon the turnover le**es withers, eua dec08 gathers price receding also. japan, euas turnover 4,200,000 tons, but preceding turnover ultra 10,000,000 tons. the body says, the carbon city commodity whole walks, after breaking through 26 yuan important psychological mouths, eua dec08 gathers receives the price to le**e year new high. the 2009 year finalizes the german strength time meets one's sat**faction the outside 1.20 yuan, until the tail, gathers receives 73.50 yuan/megawatts, on a trading day 0.15 yuan. in the coal-burning price, in 2009 finalizes the coal-burning gathers receives in 163 us dollars/tons, on 2.50 yuan. with, two cer cities also le**es on the small scale, cer dec08 gathers receives in 17.40 yuan, on a trading day 0.05 yuan 20210311

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