【翻译】初中英语 短篇阅读 急等!

全能小闻??? 2024-04-28 05:12:23
maybe you are an **erage student .you probaably think you will never be a top student .th** ** not necessarily so, however, anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. here ** how .【也许你是个中等学生。你可能觉得你永远也不会成为拔尖的学生。 没必要这样想的。任何人,只要想,都会成为更好的学生的。 以下是怎样成为好学生的方法。】 1. plan your time crefully.【1.仔细规划你的时间】 when planning your week, you shuld make a l**t of things that you h**e to do .after making the l**t ,you should make a schedule of your time. first arrange your time for eating,sleeping,dressing,etc.【做每周计划时,你应该把你必须得做到的事情列出来。列完名单后,你就应该分配一下你的时间。首先,对吃饭、睡觉、衣着搭配这些进行规划。】then decide a good , regular time for student .don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.a weekly schedule may not solve all the problems, but it will force you to realize what ** happening to your time.【然后,制定一个好的定时的适合学生的时间安排。 不要忘记留出娱乐的时间。一周的计划也许不能解决所有问题,但是可以让你知道,这些时间你都干了什么。】 2. find a good place to study. look around the house for a good study area . keep th** place, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. no games, radios or tv! when you sit do-wn to study, concentrate on the subject. 【2。 找个合适的地方学习。看看你家的房子,找个适合学习的地方。把这个地方保留下来专门学习用。这些地方,可以是一张书桌,或者仅仅就是你房间的一角。在这些地方,除了学习用品,没有别的东西。没有玩具,收音机或者是电视。当你坐下来学习的时候,就可以专心于学习科目了。】 3. mske god use of your time in class. tske advantage of class time to l**ten to everything the teacher says.really l**tening in class means les work later. taking class notes will help you remember what the teacher says. 【3。好好利用上课时间。高效利用上课听讲的时间,仔细听老师说的一切。课上好好听课意味着课后可以少些功夫。记笔记有助于你记住老师都讲了什么。】 4.study regularly when you get home from schools, go over your notes. review the important points that your teacher has mentioned in class, if you know what your teacher ** going to d**cuss the next day , read the material. 【4.经常复习。从学校回到家后,复习你的笔记。复习老师在课堂上提到的重点。如果你知道老师第二天要讲什么,预习相关的材料。】th** will help you understand the next classl.if you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.【这将有助于你对第二天上课内容的理解。如果你能经常性的复习学过的知识,这些知识会变得更有意义,你也就记的更长久了。】 5.develop a good attitude about the tests. the purpose of a test ** to show what you h**e learned about a subject. they help you to rememb-er your new knowlege.the world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't be overly worried.【5。 树立正确的对待考试的态度。考试的目的是为了考察你关于某一科目学到了什么。**你记住新学的知识。即使你考试没过,也不是世界末日,所以,不要过分忧虑。】 there are other methods that might help you with your studying.you will probably d**cover many othersafter you h**e tried these.【还有一些其他的方法有助于你的学习。当你试过这些方法之后,你可能会发现更多的学习方法。】 20210311

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